”Sustainability at Nilorn means working towards meeting the needs of people and society, without compromising the needs of future generations. In other words, acting in the long-term interests of the many. Nilorn believes in taking a holistic approach including the entire design process, manufacturing and supply chain.
At Nilorn, we are proud of the progress we have made in our sustainability work, but we know that sustainability is a journey where learning and improvement are continuous. Our sustainability report is a valuable tool for following up on our ambitions and commitments to drive an increasingly sustainable business and increasingly sustainable business relations.”
Please read more about their work at Nilorn Group Sustainability🌱
Nilorn Group plants trees for the climate which resulted in over 1,400 trees!
Är du osäker på hur ert företag kan klimatinvestera på bästa sätt?
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Vi planterar olika träd beroende på markers förutsättningar, exempelvis: Gran, tall, al, björk, med mera. Markerna och lokala förutsättningar bestämmer! 🌱